"This is the first solution I've seen which provides insights I can actually use to improve my business."
Galia Durbach, CEO, FNB Core Business Solutions
"The results were mind-blowing. I could spend hours going through the insights."
Annette Croukamp, HR Manager, Turner & Townsend
"What impressed me so much was the depth of insight that the survey provided. The findings were both meaningful and actionable. Finally, we could do something about our people issues because we knew exactly what they were and how much of a problem they were. This is in a different league to anything I've seen before.
Staff enjoyed the fact that the questions were probing and didn't just scratch the surface of things. The anonymous discussion boards were a refreshing approach to exploring issues in greater depth."
Tracy Biggs, Senior HR Manager, First National Bank
"When we started, I was a little cynical that a technical exercise of this sort could be useful as a management tool. However, I was amazed by the results. The survey has proved to be an eye-opener in terms of identifying blind-spots. It has also confirmed prior human capital decisions, and will prove extremely useful in our future human capital development strategy.”
Ian Donaldson, CEO, Turner & Townsend
what employees have said ...
"The level of honesty is amazing. I felt encouraged to "tell it like it is"!"
Anonymous Employee Respondent
"Great - most of the comments I have read are 100% true and credible. We might not have been that honest if we had to share our thoughts with "real people"... for fear of retaliation."
Anonymous Employee Respondent
"Much more insightful and valuable than the [current employee survey] - this should become the norm so the problems can be addressed group-wide."
Anonymous Employee Respondent
"I think the survey is great. This is the first time that I have been given an opportunity to share my views - and not form part of some average."
Anonymous Employee Respondent